The Associated Students of the University of Nevada Senate held a special session on Wednesday, Aug. 23, to address the events of Charlottesville and Peter Cvjetanovic, the UNR student that was photographed attending a white supremacist rally. More than 200 people gathered in the Glick Ballrooms on the third floor of the Joe Crowley Student Union in order to speak and listen as students and members of the community spoke in front of the Senate, which will create legislation based on the suggestions and comments they heard.


Students speak on Charlottesville

Around 40 people spoke at the meeting, addressing a variety of topics such as safety, how the university addressed the situation and things they wanted to see changed. The Senate listened for more than two hours as speakers asked them to take a strong stand against white supremacy, as many felt the university was too placid in their statement and actions.

Some asked the Senate to make sure hate groups such as Identity Europa, which Cvjetanovic is assumed to be a member of, cannot recruit or be a part of the university. Speakers expressed that they felt the university was not safe for minority students because of Cvjetanovic’s presence and other hateful events that have occurred on campus, such as a swastika being drawn in an elevator.

Others said they were more understanding of the university’s position in regards to Cvjetanovic and asked listeners to consider First Amendment rights. There were a number of calls to action for students and university members.

“Let their voices be heard, ours are going to be louder,” said UNR student John Macluso.

Speaker Hannah Jackson read letters from the vice president of the Young Democrats and faculty members at UNR who could not attend the meeting.

“We want you, our students, to know that we are committed to creating a campus where all can learn,” read the letter from UNR faculty. “Our doors are open should you want support.”

More than 450 faculty members have signed the letter.


CLub comminissioner resigns

Andrew John Legaspi Cruz resigned from his position as club commissioner, citing health reasons. Members of ASUN gave him their best wishes as he focuses on his health.


ASUN to give out 5000 tshirts

ASUN President Noah Teixeira announced a new plan aimed at moving forward from the current controversy. ASUN will be providing shirts at Welcome Week events that read “I’m the real Nevada” to show that one person does not define what UNR stands for. He also announced that there will be two speakers brought to campus. Lauren Cooley will be on campus on Wednesday, Sept. 6., and Shaun King will speak on Monday, Sept. 25. Both events will be free to students.

Madeline Purdue can be reached at and on Twitter, @madelinepurdue.