Reno’s own Carter Wilkerson achieved Twitter stardom with his #NuggsforCarter campaign when he asked Wendy’s for a year of free chicken nuggets. Since then social media users have become more aware that contacting companies on Twitter can lead to great feats. Twitter users have become desperate with their feeble attempts to get what they want. There is a correct way to complain on Twitter — begging and badgering not included.
The most annoying crime a social media user can commit is constantly harassing people to help them out by retweeting or liking a post. If you scroll down your timeline, you’re more than likely going to come in contact with a Twitter user asking for retweets to get something to happen.
These questions range from asking a famous celebrity to prom to asking a restaurant for free food or asking a car company for a new car. Some people and companies respond with, “Yes, if you get x number of retweets” and the adventure begins.
The Twitter user then embarks on a journey of annoying every single Twitter user in existence to get retweets to make their greatest dreams come true. This is infuriating because people are begging different celebrities and companies for things and experiences they can’t afford — not because they deserve it.
This simple method of begging for retweets and likes is enough to anger any Twitter user. It’s tasteless and takes away from the main purpose of social media — to socialize.
On the other side, complaining to a company on Twitter can work in your favor and get you expedited customer service. reports that of the 330 million monthly Twitter users, 80 percent of Twitter users have mentioned a brand in a tweet.
Users can tweet to whatever company has wronged them in the past week and complain about said company. For once, you can complain and get exactly what you want. This has to be done in a classy manner where instead of insulting a company, you’re taking the time to explain what has happened. Every insulting tweet you send is being read by someone working for that company.
Tweeting and mentioning a company has become increasingly common and companies are taking notice. According to, 92 percent of companies on Twitter are tweeting more than once per day.
Bandwatch reports that 77 percent of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their tweet has been replied to. This elicits an atmosphere where users are encouraged to form tweets that directly call for a company’s attention. Once you have been replied to once, you get encouraged to respond to more tweets and hopefully get the same reaction.
As irritating as the constant complaints might be, Twitter users are creating a culture change.
In the past two years, Bandwatch has reported there has been a 2.5 percent increase in customer service conversations on Twitter. These conversations may seem pointless, but companies using Twitter for customer service have seen a 19 percent lift in customer satisfaction.
#NuggsforCarter was a success. Carter Wilkerson’s tweet passed Ellen Degeneres’s selfie at the 2014 Academy Awards and claimed sole ownership of the most retweeted tweet of all time, with 3.42 million retweets. Wendy’s ended up giving him free chicken nuggets for a year and donating to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption on Wilkerson’s behalf.
Even though you might be annoyed reading the constant complaints flooding your timeline, the next time you’re angry about something a company does — take to Twitter to express your discontent.
Opinions expressed in The Nevada Sagebrush are solely those of the author and do not necessarily express the views of The Sagebrush or of its staff. Jacey Gonzalez studies journalism. She can be reached at and on Twitter @NevadaSagebrush.