Senate Recap


Director Rodriguez announces RFP of Wolfshop

Sandy Rodriguez, the director of ASUN, said there would only be two trainings for new and returning senators. Besides a full day retreat, they would also attend a training regarding technology and data. She discouraged senators seeking reelection from attending the Elections BBQ in an effort to create “distance.”

She also updated the senators on the status of a request for proposal aiming to sell the student-owned Wolfshop to a new owner. She said there would be a bidder’s conference next week. Director Rodriguez also mentioned plans to find new jobs on campus for current employees affected by the change of ownership.


President Martinez shares positions on search committees

ASUN President Anthony Martinez shared he is on the search committee for both the new university president and the Nevada System of Higher Education chancellor. 

University President Marc Johnson announced he was stepping down in an email on Oct. 31. Finalists in the nationwide search are set to be interviewed on campus by April. 

He also encouraged the senators to be “clean and respect each other” during the upcoming elections. 

Speaker Savannah Hughes announces vacancies

Speaker Savannah Hughes shared she is also on the search committee for the new university president. She also announced there were vacancies in ASUN’s advisor and secretary positions. 

Hughes said she wanted the senators to capitalize their time as the 87th session comes to a close. She said that if there was no new legislation or other important agenda items, there would be no meeting that week. 

Elections start the beginning of March, and the next session of ASUN will start mid-April.

Director of Legislative Affairs Joko Callies shares workshops

Joko Callies, the director of Legislative Affairs, shared that he was planning a civil discourse workshop with Nevada Assemblywoman Jill Tolles. He said that the workshop is meant to help with teaching students “how to work with other side of aisle.” 

He also shared plans for a mock caucus in early February. 

College of Liberal Arts senator Lauren Harvey talks ballot question

College of Liberal Arts senator Lauren Harvey mentioned a ballot question is currently in the works and set to be voted on in the next ASUN election, which will occur in mid-March. 

Taylor Avery can be reached at or on Twitter @travery98.