Staff Report

City of Reno officials delivered an order Thursday afternoon that will stop The Wolf Den from selling hard liquor. The bar and sports grill has 24 hours to clear all alcohol, except beer and wine, from their building.

The order follows The Wolf Den’s denied request on Wednesday, Mar. 4 to amend its special use permit to allow for liquor sales. After hearing several testimonies from university officials concerned for student safety, the Washoe County Planning Commission unanimously ruled to revert back to the restrictions set in place by their SUP.

The Wolf Den has been operating under a SUP that limits it from selling any alcohol other than beer and wine since 1996. However, in 2010 the business was granted a dining room alcoholic privileged business license by the city, which contradicted the SUP and allowed them to serve a full range of alcoholic beverages.

The discrepancy is being correct through the cease and desist order as it requires The Wolf Den to comply with the corrective action. The Wolf Den could also be fined for up to $1,000 per day should it fail to follow the order.

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