ASUN votes to increase the Nevada Undergraduate Research Journal account
In the first senate meeting of the fall semester, the senate approved Senate Bill 84 to increase the Nevada Undergraduate Research Journal account. NSURJ has been facing public relations issues and is looking for more funds to spread awareness about what the program is and what it can offer students.
NSURJ is a student-run research journal dedicated to giving UNR students the opportunity to submit their undergraduate research to a reputable research journal. ASUN passed legislation to create the program in March of 2011. ASUN’s hope was that undergraduate students at the university would utilize the program to share their research and prepare themselves for professional research work after graduation.
Co-editors of NSURJ Nicholas Winner and Anita Albanese plan to use the additional funds to engage more students through tabling and marketing on campus.
The senate voted to increase the NSURJ account by $1,000.
Elections Commission must now follow Nevada Open Meeting Law
The senate voted to strike down Section 701 of the Statutes of the Associated Students, which states that the Elections Commission is not required to comply with the Nevada Open Meeting Law, except for the first candidate meeting. The senate voted to strike down SAS 701.10b since the Elections Commission is considered a public body of ASUN.
The Nevada Open Meeting Law was established in 1960 to assure that public bodies of state and local governments make their actions and meetings available to the public eye. The OML applies to all public bodies, including administrative, legislative, advisory and executive bodies of local and state governments.
The OML also requires that meeting agendas be accurate to what will be discussed during the meetings and be available for the public to view.
Rachel Spacek can be reached at jsolis@sagebrush.unr.edu and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.