Did you catch all the symbolism in Childish Gambino’s new music video? If not, we’ll get you caught up
Childish Gambino’s new music video “This is America” is making waves and taking the internet by storm. The video is riddled with subtle references and symbolism that you probably didn’t notice if you’re not a think-piece writer. But it’s okay because we’ve got you covered.
Shirtless Gambino
Did you notice Childish Gambino was shirtless during the video? That’s because he just successfully completed the Whole30 diet, and his alter-ego Donald Glover encouraged him to show off their progress.
Did you notice the video was shot entirely in a warehouse? It turns out that’s the same warehouse that inspired Dave Matthews Band’s 1994 song “Warehouse.”
A little known fact about Childish Gambino is he’s a huge fan of Dave Matthews. He reportedly played in a jam band in college that once did a 10 hour show in a barn where they played nothing but Dave Matthews songs.
Running Scene
Did you notice that closing scene of the video where Childish Gambino is running away from a crowd with a terrified look on his face? Well, rumor has it, if you look at the faces in the background frame by frame you can see Ron Howard, Kathleen Kennedy and other Disney executives. This is a subtle reference to Disney’s courtship of Donald Glover’s upcoming role in the new Han Solo film.
Twitterverse in uproar after Kanye West tweets “It’s pronounced gif, not gif”
Everyone knows hip hop artist Kanye West has been partaking in a series of problematic outbursts, including saying slavery was a choice and posting a selfie wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. Yet, all of these paled in comparison to when he tweeted “It’s pronounced gif, not gif.”
Twitter user @Barry_McCokner said “Man, f— Kanye! I used to love Kanye but this boy is wack. Of course it’s pronounced GIF!!!!!!!”
Twitter use @smokephatbluntz69 said “All you PC SJWs need to stop getting so butthurt. Everyone needs to calm tf down! Of course it’s pronounced gif.”
Kanye recently went on TMZ to defend his comments. He admits to using opioids after a liposuction. “Man I was out of my mind when I took those pills! Even I was pronouncing it gif. But then I saw the light.”
A member of TMZ actually stood up to West. “Kanye you are being irresponsible with your platform and your words are harmful,” he said. “It’s pronounced gif!”
My professor didn’t know I was on Adderall during her office hours…right?
I was cleaning my room and then I had an idea about an essay I think it’s called Theory of Evolution which I had to read for my final and I just wanted to talk to my professor about it because I realized that Darwin just got it right you know? So I made my bed again and took another shower and filled up my water bottle and popped in my headphones and turned on LCD Soundsystem – did you realize they have so many bangers? And then I walked to campus and went to my professor’s office hours and I figured it’s okay I’m on Adderall because she’s cool and I think she was surprised because I’ve never been to her office hours before but it’s all good I think because she’s cool and she digs Darwin too and I knew talking to her about this was gonna be sick. She let me into her office and she knew my name which was cool – maybe she’s into me? Anyway, we started talking about Darwin and I couldn’t remember exactly what I wanted to talk to her about, but the words I was saying sounded so good except I kept having to take a drink from my water bottle. Does she know Adderall makes you thirsty? My lips were a little chapped but I only licked them a few times – like 10 times maybe – like maybe it was more than normal but not a crazy amount you know but then I started wondering if Adderall makes your eyes glossy like other pills? I don’t think so but I’m too afraid to look at my reflection when I take it so I don’t know and I don’t think she’d be able to tell because professors don’t know about that stuff I don’t think. Anyway, I didn’t do so hot on the exam because I didn’t read any of the other essays, but I think it was worth it because I’m like an expert on Darwin now.
Ryan Suppe and Joey Thyne study astrology. They can be reached at and on Twitter @salsuppe and @Joey_Thyne.
Editor’s Note
“Fake news” is not real news and should not be interpreted as such. Interested in real news? Check out the news section. Resemblance of any names to real persons is unintentional.