Editor’s Note: Sagebrush staff members Daniel Coffey, Leona Novio and Terrance Bynum have recused themselves from voting for endorsements due to their involvement in the presidential and vice presidential campaigns.
The Nevada Sagebrush editorial staff formally endorses Caden Fabbi and Jessica Salsman for the presidential and vice presidential positions, respectively, for the Associated Students of The University of Nevada. Both candidates represent the type of future that students need from their public officials: one that is progressive, energetic and accountable.
Fabbi’s experience inside and outside of ASUN is something that rivals the most qualified presidential candidates over the past decade and his vision for ASUN is well thought out. While most candidates, for either ASUN Senate or the executive positions, have what can be perceived as broad and ambiguous goals as their election mottos, Fabbi’s campaign slogan of “Big Future Little Doubt” is not just hot air. The slogan refers to Fabbi’s plans to create an updated version of Joint Vision 2017, a strategic guide that outlined ASUN expansion for the next 10 years during former ASUN President Eli Reilly’s tenure, and is his signature tool for crafting a vision for future student growth.
As the current speaker of the senate for ASUN’s 82nd session, Fabbi has held senators accountable this year and has been lauded by his peers for his strong work ethic. Additionally, Fabbi has succeeded in multiple other positions inside of ASUN, including working as the association’s chair of the Budget and Finance Committee and also as senator for the College of Liberal Arts. What’s more is that his experience outside of ASUN gives him a distinct appeal that he can connect to a wide array of students. Just a few of the organizations he has held leadership roles in include the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, the College of Liberal Arts Advisory Board and Nevada Up ‘til Dawn among others. Fabbi is the most qualified and versatile candidate in the presidential race and his experience with the ASUN budget especially is incredibly valuable.
Opposing him is the enigmatic Royce Feuer, a sixth-year senior majoring in mining engineering, who has been running a popular and interesting campaign. Indeed, Feuer’s efforts in engaging voters have been successful. His “Don’t Vote For Royce” Facebook page has over 540 likes,more than Fabbi, but the overarching message of his campaign says it all. Feuer and his campaign team have done an admirable job of piquing student interest, but if students do choose to vote for him then they are essentially forfeiting their vote to a candidate that has expressed multiple times that his primary reason for running is not to win, but to engage students.
If Feuer does end up winning, students will have to deal with the consequences of having a $2.3 million dollar budget in flux. For instance, Feuer admitted that he doesn’t completely know how the ASUN budget works and that he would want to increase student fees if he were elected, in order to provide ASUN with more funding. Moreover, Feuer has expressed that he would leave Reno if a job opportunity presented itself after he graduates this May. This further illustrates that Feuer is not concerned with actually holding the position of president and thus is not fit for taking office.
Unlike the presidential race, the vice presidential ballot features two ASUN mainstays: Jessica Salsman and Quinn Jonas. While Salsman’s experience with ASUN is not as extensive as her presidential counterpart, her passion and drive are things that the student government desperately needs. Salsman’s assertive attitude will enable her to work diligently against roadblocks when they are presented during the upcoming year. This attitude has already been demonstrated by her accomplishments in her current position. During her time this year as the assistant director of Legislative Affairs, Salsman spearheaded the Rock the Vote campaign for student involvement in elections and she was actively involved in the Late Night with a Legislator series.
It should be noted that while Salsman’s opponent on the vice presidential ballot does have more experience with the ASUN Senate, Salsman’s position has allowed her to have a wider view of the student government which the vice president will need. Jonas has been a vocal senator this year and his recent project, implementing the Medical Amnesty Program at the university, are both key reasons why he is an outstanding candidate. However, he was censured earlier this year and that has left a huge question mark on whether he can indeed become a model of consistency.
With burnout and apathy becoming an increasingly significant issue in ASUN, Fabbi and Salsman can give the student government the clean slate that it needs.
The Nevada Sagebrush editorial staff can be reached at cboline@sagebrush.unr.edu and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.