ASUN college of engineering senator resigns
The second meeting of the 84th session of the Senate of the Associated Students of Nevada began Wednesday evening as Speaker Noah Teixeira read the resignation letter of Sen. Ali Oliva of the College of Engineering. Oliva wrote in his letter that his classes conflict with weekly senate meetings. Teixeira encouraged Sen. John Urquidi, also of the College of Engineering, to inform his college of the open spot.
Committee Changes
Committee Changes
The senate made several committee changes in preparation for committee meetings next week.
An election for the new chair for the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness was also held to prepare the committees for fall meetings.
Sen. Carissa Bradley of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources nominated Sen. Brittany Blair, also of CABNR, for the position of chair. No other nominations were made.
In her speech for the position, Sen. Blair discussed her passion for the committee. As the chairperson of SSW, Blair said she sees the committee spreading awareness about the importance of campus wellness and sustainability.
In a unanimous vote, Blair was made chairperson of SSW.
Senate Bill 84
The Senate heard Senate Bill 84 — an act to purchase new video and photography equipment for Inkblot Marketing. Inkblot is the marketing team for ASUN, the Center for Student Engagement and all Tier One-funded clubs on campus.
Liv Moore, the director of Inkblot, gave a presentation to inform the senators how Inkblot will use the proposed $2,595.99 for camera equipment. Moore said Inkblot will be better able to assist ASUN, the Center for Student Engagement and clubs with marketing with the new equipment.
Inkblot has grown in recent years in terms of employees, video requests and the quality of their products. This year, the videography department is operating with only one camera. Employees are having to use their personal equipment and are even renting equipment from campus and outside sources.
Moore said she sees the videography department growing heavily in the next three to five years and, in order to grow and create better products, the new equipment is necessary.
Inkblot’s operating account is $42,000. That account is used to pay for the printing of advertisements and posters for ASUN, Inkblot, the Center for Student Engagement and campus clubs. The money for the equipment would be additional funding.
In a roll-call vote, the senate unanimously approved S.B. 84.