Each week, The Nevada Sagebrush staff decides on a topic that is either overrated or underrated. Our opinion section then writes this column about the outcome. For suggestions for The Over/Under, tweet them to us @NevadaSagebrush.

Amazon Prime

From the tyrannical reign of Jeff Bezos came one of the most convenient and rewarding services to ever exist, Amazon Prime.

Most college-aged people remember trying Amazon Prime for a six month free trial they received when they signed up with their university email address. This was a godsend because as most University of Nevada students know, trying to order anything online and having it sent to the dorms is the equivalent of the ninth level of hell.

We were able to order anything on Amazon, even stupid dorm decorations we used for maybe two weeks, and it would be at our door in two business days. A lot of people cancelled their subscription after the trial was over. But keeping your Amazon Prime membership is not only the best long term investment your little college self can make, but can save your butt in some desperate times.

If you procrastinate in every aspect of your life, like most of America, you probably forget to buy birthday presents now and then. Amazon Prime saves you because even if you forget until the week of, you can still find exactly what you want online and have it delivered within two days.

Amazon Prime falls into the list of things you’re grateful you have, but don’t remember you have. The same category as your parent’s Costco and Sam’s Club membership. One of those things that you don’t necessarily use every week, but when you really need to get something, you’re lucky you have it. It’s almost impractical to buy every single thing on Amazon, but if that’s your choice, more power to you.

You have so many different products to choose from that you can get anything from your basic necessities to a specific color shirt you can’t find in stores. No matter what you need, Amazon probably has it. Amazon Prime is underrated. Expedited shipping genuinely changes the online shopping game, and more people should take advantage of it.

Opinions expressed in The Nevada Sagebrush are solely those of the author and do not necessarily express the views of The Sagebrush or of its staff. Jacey Gonzalez is a student at the University of Nevada and studies journalism. She can be reached at jaceygonzalez@sagebrush.unr.edu and on Twitter @NevadaSagebrush.