Thomas shares Office of Student Conduct services
Dean of Students Kimberly Thomas presented to the Senate the philosophy of the Office of Student Conduct. She shared the office’s goal to help student success, promote wellness and connect students to resources.
She reported the emergency fund had $11,236 in it in Aug. 2018, and now has $4,500. The emergency fund is used for bus fares, rental support, DACA renewal fees and utilities. Thomas reported the tuition fund had $53,000 in August 2018 and now has $29,000. The fund is only used after all other options — such as scholarships, financial aid and loans — have been exhausted, according to Thomas. The book fund had $5,000 in Aug. 2018 and now has close to $4,000.
Doucettperry addresses proposed Title IX changes
Director of Title IX and ADA Maria Doucettperry came to the Senate meeting to address concerns about the proposed changes of the Title IX policy.
The proposed federal changes of Title IX would not make Title IX services applicable for sexual assault and harassment cases that take place off campus. This would include all off-campus housing, even if it is student-to-student. The previous Title IX services covered any university activity, including those abroad.
The new federal rules proposed would help clarify what sexual harassment is and when the schools are responsible. The Title IX clause began as a broad term to stop discrimination, according to Doucettperry.
Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos opened the proposed changes to public comment over two months ago after announcing her plans to reverse rules and regulations from the Obama administration.
Since coming in, Doucettperry said she has been restructuring the Office of EOTIX. A new position was created and multiple investigators were hired. The Office of EOTIX has begun reaching out to organizations rather than requiring online training, as Doucettperry felt it was ineffective.
The majority of cases are filed in person in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX in the Continuing Education Building or online at, according to Doucettperry.
Flangas, Westerman appointed to the College of Liberal Arts
The Senators of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada heard from seven nominations and selected Nicole Flangas and Isabel Westerman to the Senate body for the College of Liberal Arts.
Flangas was a part of the 85th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students for the College of Liberal Arts. Flangas said she at the end of her term she left tasks undone and returning back to the Senate, after studying abroad for a semester, will help her reach out to her peers more.
Flangas’ goals include working closely with the COLA Advising Board and write legislation to create a scholarship to benefit transfer students. Flangas added herself to the Committee on Academics, Committee on Budget and Finance and Committee on Government Operations.
Westerman is a third-year student at the university and is studying philosophy and theatre. Westerman said she hopes to increase representation to the visual and performing arts. Westerman added she plans on working with the COLA Advising Board to increase peer advising opportunities for all majors in COLA.
Westerman added herself to the Committee on Public Affairs and Committee on Civic Engagement.