The University of Nevada, Reno’s Faculty Senate met on Thursday, Nov. 21 to discuss various topics the university could improve upon. New construction on campus and the search for a new president for the university.


Provost Kevin Carman discusses clickers, Center of Teacher’s Excellence

Executive Vice President and Provost Kevin Carman discussed the use of attendance clickers in the classroom. He stated he wanted the university to be consistent in which type of clicker or which type of platform the software is used on. According to Carman, this set to take place in the upcoming year. 

During Provost Carman’s report, the Faculty Senate discussed upcoming construction. This included discussion of a new parking garage south of campus near Lake St. Carman also stated there would be new construction on Virginia St. in the coming year in which the road would be converted from a two lane street into a one lane. This would make way for a bus lane and a bike lane.

Office of IT discusses accessibility deadlines

Next to speak was Kalena Pelekai-Wai, the Information and Communication Technology Manager. He discussed the deadlines for making content on teachers’ websites accessible for the spring semester. He stated that materials need to be accessible for students before they go live on Canvas. He also stated that the accessibility team was available as a resource for teachers to manage their content. Also, in the works for the Accessibility Office is new partnerships with NSHE, UNLV and other institutions to make their content more consistent across the board.

Honors program to undergo changes

The Director of the Honors Program Matt Means talked about how the program will be undergoing a strategic change in their relation to students. Means presented four abstract goals: accessibility, collaboration, growth and a more mission-driven program. He stated there would be a five year plan written and ready in the early spring semester.

Faculty Senate Chair discusses UNR president search

Brain Frost, Chair of the Faculty Senate gave his report on the current campus conversations. This included mention of the NSHE meeting to discuss whether there would be an interim search or a national search for the new president of the university. The meeting will be held in Las Vegas on Dec. 5 and 6.

If in the case of a national search, NSHE will put together a search committee and an advisory committee. The first meeting of these committees will take place mid-January during the start of the spring semester to discuss what certain qualities they are looking for in a president.

ASUN VP aims to increase interaction between ASUN, student body

Nicole Flangas spoke before the committee to talk about how there could be more interaction between ASUN and the student body. This would include ASUN senators and members to go to classes and hold a discussion with students about the current campus climate. Discussions would potentially allow ASUN to gain more insight on how to improve students’ experience at the university.

The Faculty Senate will hold their next meeting Dec 11 at 12 p.m.

Sarah Strang can be found at or on Twitter @sarahstrang100.