Illustration by Leona Novio

Illustration by Leona Novio

By Ali Schultz

Roses are red, violets are blue, but a bottle of wine is cheaper than dinner for two.

For some, Valentines Day is a daunting reminder that another year has come and passed, and you still seem to be alone. You find yourself on your third box of Junior Mints and two seasons deep in “Grey’s Anatomy,” when you start to think, “Did I go a little too far by getting a fourth cat?” Or maybe you’re thinking, “Who the hell even likes Junior Mints? I might as well be eating black licorice.”

Maybe you’re wondering why yet again, you don’t have a special someone to spend the 14th with, why your ass of an ex hasn’t recently sent you a 2a.m. desperation text, or why that cute guy you met at the Wal blew off your froyo plans. Of course none of these situations are best-case scenarios; however, Valentine’s Day is what you make of it, single or not.

Remember that little fuzzy feeling you got coming home from elementary school with a bag full of Valentine’s Day cards? “Four for you, Glen Coco. You go, Glen Coco.” And before you discredit me entirely and banish me to the ninth layer of pop culture hell, I am fully aware they are different holidays, but you get the gist.

Anyway you feel like a rockstar for receiving these 90-cent cards and you reward yourself by stuffing your face with fun dip while reading all your cutesey messages. And somehow, these simple actions make up a great day in the life of a fourth grader. So why is it that at our age we cannot appreciate little Valentine’s Day simplicities such as these?

Stop throwing yourself a pity party because at the end of the day you’re going to be the only one to RSVP. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you should look at Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate.

There are countless ways to spice up your Valentine’s Day this year. Single? Throw a little “I hate Valentine’s Day party” with your closest gal pals. Splurge on $4 Barefoot and bask in the fact that you are not with your loser ex anymore. He was a tacky dresser, anyway.

Buy yourself a box of Russell Stover, have your best friend come over and rent a few movies. There is really nothing better than a special day with your best friend. Use this day to show your appreciation and love for them instead. Hey, this might even be better than a day with a significant other.

Crushing hard on that hottie in CH 203? Take a chance to ask them out for a little date. No one is forcing you to spend this day alone, remember that. Saint Valentine did not get his head chopped off just so you to be a little bitch about things.

Life is all about taking risks. If you chance nothing, you’ll reap no rewards. Worst thing to happen is they say no. Barefoot and that Russell Stover will never do you wrong.

On the other hand, if you’re like myself and fortunate enough to have a wonderful boyfriend, take advantage of this day and remind your significant other how much they mean to you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, people, I feel the same as you. “I don’t need a day mapped out on the calendar to appreciate the one I love.”

However, it is always a nice gesture to show that special someone how much you still care. Flowers, candy or even a simple handmade card with kind words can fix a fading flame. Maybe let them win an argument for once, or tell them how nice they look. The little things end up being what really matters.

People believe that Valentine’s Day is just a calendar day for capitalism. Everyone has to run to Hallmark or their nearest florist to pick up their last-minute gifts, or you’ll face the evil wrath of your significant other, am I right?

I think they’re wrong. I love Valentine’s Day. It is a day of circumstance and opportunity. Tell those around you that you love them, friend lover, whatever.

Drink wine and splurge on chocolate, single or not. There are times when we are going to be incredibly alone, and there are times when we will be incredibly in love. Appreciate both and make the best of your scenario.

Roses are red, violets are blue, make the best of the day or I’ll smack you.

Ali Schultz studies political science. She can be reached at and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.