By Marcus Lavergne


New assistant director of public relations appointed

By a majority vote Brendan Aguiar was appointed the new assistant director of campus and public relations. Aguiar’s nomination by Director Ryan Suppe was recommended unfavorably in a unanimous vote by the Committee on Oversight before the final vote — a major reason being Aguiar’s lack of preparation. Senators on the committee felt that he did not seem qualified or passionate about the position.

Sen. of College of Liberal Arts Bailey Gamberg said she and other oversight members saw a difference between the way Aguiar spoke during the final vote versus when he was in front of the committee.

“I just felt that [with] what he was talking about, he was underprepared,” Gamberg said. “I definitely see a huge improvement tonight, and I think it’s clear now how much he wants the job.”

Suppe expressed his displeasure with the committee, stating that they asked Aguiar questions that were not relevant to the job. He asked that the senate “not put too much stock” into the oversight vote.


Committee on Budget and Finance approves bills for undergraduate research funding and wage raise

Budget and Finance chair Sebastian Atienza stated that the Committee on Budget and Finance has approved a bill to fund undergraduate international research. The bill, submitted to the committee by Sen. Larissa Gloutak of the Interdisciplinary Programs, will be presented to the senate next week.

The vote will decide whether or not ASUN appropriates up to $50,000 annually to the Office of Undergraduate Research.

Sen. Atienza also submitted a bill proposing a raise in the minimum wage for ASUN Center for Student Engagement employees.

The bill was submitted on behalf of President Caden Fabbi, who wants an increase for the 2016 fiscal year.


ASUN supports student-run businesses and University tutoring for general public

Sen. of the College of Engineering Rachel Lucas and Sen. of College of Liberal Arts Cecilia Cervantes submitted a resolution in support of public tutoring on campus to the Committee on University Affairs. The public has expressed interest in using University of Nevada, Reno, tutoring services. A $25 semester pass has been suggested by ASUN.

Sen. Ashley Loera of the College of Liberal Arts reiterated a resolution to support student-run businesses to the Committee on University Affairs. ASUN expressed that student-run businesses can yield professional experience and are in favor of including these businesses in UNR expansion plans.

Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and on Twitter @mlavergne21.