By Maddison Cervantes


SB 83 — An Act to Complete Senate Reapportionment for the 84th and 85th Sessions

Speaker of the Senate Nick Andrews stated that according to the Statutes of the Associated Students, the Huntington-Hill Method of Equal Proportions, a method that rounds at the geometric mean, is the suitable method of apportionment for the next two sessions of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada’s senate.

Andrews explained that while there are numerous methods to reapportion a certain number of seats to a certain number of people, the Huntington-Hill Method is required by the SAS and is also used by the U.S. Congress.

Attorney General Ryan Hood informed the senators that it is not their duty to approve the method of apportionment. The SAS states that ASUN President Caden Fabbi essentially needs to provide the senate with an apportionment outcome from a given method. Though the numbers that resulted from the method may have worked out unfairly in some colleges, Hood stated that Huntington-Hill is still a reliable method.

Andrew further explained that while Fabbi sets the outcome, the senate has sole responsibility for lawfully changing apportionment rules, which was the original intention of the bill.

James Beatty, associate director for student engagement, explained that there are a total of six main methods used worldwide and that he was unsure if another method would actually change the apportionment. Every college gets one initial seat, after which more seats are given out based on the geometric mean.

Only one senator opposed the bill.

SB 83 — An Act to Change the Department of Programming in the SAS

Sen. Emilia Carro began discussing some of the main changes sought within the Department of Programming. She stated that the department wanted a more consistent and clear name. Instead of “Programming,” the department name would be “Event Programming” to keep students from thinking that the department were computer-related.

Carro also said that the department desires the number of programmers to be expanded from six to eight.

Statucki explained that years back, the programming board was split into three different departments. Back then, there were almost 20 individuals among the departments planning the university’s events. This total has been brought down to one department with six programmers.

By adding two more students to the department, it would allow the programmers to mutually work on event planning, rather than individually.

Statucki stated that the change would not go into effect until the following year due to the budget, but both the department’s advisor and the assistant programming director agreed that the change was necessary.

Additionally, the assistant director position has been divided in two. One role is now over finance and budget, while the other is focused on marketing and internship.

Statucki said that the two positions have evolved into a fairly good balance throughout the semester.

The motion carried unanimously.

Maddison Cervantes can be reached at and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.