Proposal to increase ASUN credit requirements defeated in floor vote
On Wednesday evening, Feb. 1, Speaker Pro Tempore Jackson presented a controversial bill to the Senators of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno. Jackson presented Senate Bill 84, an act to place a question on the ballot for the 2017 general election. The question would ask student voters at UNR to increase the credit requirement for all ASUN officers from seven credits to twelve credits.
In the senate bill, Jackson wrote, “…the seven credit policy is outdated and does not reflect current University of Nevada academic initiatives.”
Jackson said the “30 to Complete” University initiative encourages students to take 30 credits per year in order to graduate within four years. Over 90 percent of the employees of the Student Services Division are enrolled in 12 or more credits.
The legislation says, “…students who hold an office in the Associated Student of the University of Nevada should serve as representative role models of academic effort for their constituents since they are elected by their respective colleges and not at large…”
After presenting her legislation, Jackson opened the senate table for discussion on the bill.
The majority of senators were opposed, saying it discourages students who may be taking less than 12 credits a semester from running or applying for an ASUN student position. Senators also said students have different reasons for taking less than 12 credits per semester and it is unfair to tell those students they are not able to run for a position because of their individual situation.
In a roll call vote, only five senators voted to have the question on the ballot for the general election. The legislation did not pass and the question will not appear on the ballot.
Senate approves purchase of additional hydration stations
Senate bill 84, an act to purchase hydration stations for each academic building on campus, was presented by President Brandon Boone. Boone said ASUN has been dedicated to promoting campus sustainability and purchasing additional hydration stations for the academic buildings that do not currently have them would continue the efforts toward creating a more sustainable campus.
The total cost of the project would be $26,800; however, the Parents Fund has committed to covering 50 percent of the cost of the project, $13,400. The 21 hydration stations would cost ASUN $14,740 from their Capital Account.
The legislation passed with unanimous support from the senators.