Smith wins open CABNR seat

The special election for the empty seat for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources took place this week at Senate. Blane Merkley, Justin McKendry, Joshua Smith and Christiana Cabrera presented to the Senate what they would do if they were to be given the Senate position. Joshua Smith was chosen by the Senate to be the next CABNR senator.


Sen. Compton censured

Sen. Will Compton of the Reynolds School of Journalism was censured this week for failure to comply with ASUN’s attendance policies for Senate, committee and office hour meetings.

Compton apologized in a letter to the Nevada Sagebrush, saying his schedule has conflicted with meeting times. Below is the full letter from Sen. Compton:

To My Fellow Colleagues.It is a deep regret to inform you that due to personal reasons, conflicting schedules, and overwhelming class schedules, I have been unable to meet with my committees held within the ASUN senate. Therefore, this has caused me to accumulate enough absences to qualify for a censure, or also known as an open letter of apology for my lack of leadership within ASUN.

I would like to apologize to the entire student body, especially those in the Reynolds School of Journalism alone, for my absences and my mistakes. You have given me such pride to represent your school in ASUN and make sure every single one of your voices is heard, and that has and always will be my goal.

With about 3 months left in my term, I plan to bring promising and exciting changes to the journalism school, such as regulating our grading scale, expanding our bilingual program, and hopefully, kicking off a brand new sports casting TV program that would be campus wide, giving broadcast journalism majoring student with an interest in sports a chance to get their name out on campus.

Again, I truly apologize for the events that have occurred, but can promise you we are only going to continue to rise. If you have any comments, questions, and concerns, please email me at , and we can meet right away regarding any of your thoughts.

Thank you for believing in me, I will not let you down.

Warmest Regards,

William Compton

ASUN Reynolds School of Journalism

Transportation question added to 2018 ballot

The Senate passed legislation to add a survey question to the 2018 ASUN election ballot about the bus transportation around campus. The Department of Parking and Transportation is asking for a portion of student fees to be used to create a new bus route. The Senate voted for the question to be on the ballot to gauge how students felt about the use of their money.

Madeline Purdue can be reached at and on Twitter @madelinepurdue.