Chief Justice Groesbeck resigns

Kate Groesbeck resigned from her position as Chief Justice of the Senate. She thanked President Hannah Jackson, the Judicial Council, her interns, Dr. Beattie and Speaker Savannah Hughes for their help in her position.

Associate Justice Velazquez resigns

Jessica Velazquez resigns from her position as Associate Justice of the Senate. She said she is grateful for being a part of ASUN and said it was one of the highlights of her college career.


Director of Programming Gabrielle Lew plans summer barbeque events

Director of Programming Gabrielle Lew is working with Learning365 to create three events students can attend during the summer session. The first event will be a barbeque hosted on May 30 from 12-1 p.m. outside the Knowledge Center. The second event will be an ice cream social hosted on June 20 from 12-1 p.m in the sculpture garden. The final event will be another ice cream social hosted on July 25 from 12-1 p.m in the sculpture garden.

Director of Clubs and Organizations Davis Florence announces Club Fair dates

Director of Clubs and Organization Davis Florence announced the date for fall semester’s Club Fair. Club Fair will be held on August 29 during Welcome Week. Club Fair is an event, which allows campus clubs and organizations to table in the quad.


Ayanna Releford approved as Director of Diversity and Inclusion

Ayanna Releford is a junior studying Spanish Literature and Culture. Releford has previously worked in the ASUN Diversity and Inclusion department as commissioner for projects and events and commissioner. She has previously worked with Queer Student Union for National Coming Out Day and helped planned Pizza with Police. Releford was previously on the Cultural Diversity Committee and helped plan the Northern Nevada Diversity Summit. She wants to continue diversity training for all senators. Releford also wants to work with ASUN Clubs and Organization department to be more interconnected. She believes diversity is multifaceted.

Releford was unanimously approved by the Senate.

Kristen de Guzman approved as Director of Campus and Public Relations

Kristen de Guzman is a second year studying Business Management. De Guzman is a transfer student from the University of California, Berkeley. De Guzman previously campaigned for the Thirst Project and helped raise $12,000 for accessibility to clean water in Africa. In this campaign, she worked with the media and created press releases. She plans to work with ASUN Civic Engagement department to help increase Senate outreach hours. De Guzman also wants a better way for students to contact ASUN senators and to increase transparency.

De Guzman was unanimously approved by the Senate.

Jay Don Scott approved as College of Engineering Senator

Jay Don Scott is a freshman double majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. He served as a legislative intern for the 86th session of ASUN and is Vice President of Peavine Hall’s Leadership Council. He also volunteers at Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada. Scott wants to create a more inclusive learning environment, a mentorship program to establish dependable support groups.

Scott was unanimously approved by the Senate.


Senate awards Daniel Fred the 2019 Faculty Member of the Year

Daniel Fred was awarded 2019 Faculty Member of the Year. Sen. Collins and the Committee of Academic sent out a survey to undergraduate students for students to nominate their favorite faculty member on campus. Fred received 502 nominations by students. Fred thanked students for nominating him and ASUN for awarding him.

Taylor Johnson can be reached at or on Twitter @NevadaSagebrush