Board Reports and Senate Business

President and vice president prepare to present legislation at next meeting

In their officer reports, President Brandon Boone and Vice President Jacob Springmeyer praised the success of the Biggest Little Festival and thanked the senators who volunteered at the event. Boone and Springmeyer will be taking a check to City Hall in the coming weeks to donate the proceeds from the BLF merchandise sales to the Reno Works Project.

Boone said a bill to increase funding for the Pack Internship Grant Program has been written and will be on the agenda for the senate meeting on Sept. 21. Elizabeth Loun, internship and employer relations coordinator, will attend the senate meeting on Wednesday to present information about the Pack Internship Grant Program and why it needs funding. Boone encouraged the senate to read the bill before next week’s meeting and come with questions for Loun to answer.

WTF Nevada ASUN to be rebranded

Sen. Luis Barragan, the What to Fix Nevada ASUN program manager, discussed the rebranding of the program in a lengthy discussion with the senate. WTF Nevada ASUN is a program that ASUN launched in 2013 to allow students to voice their problems and concerns with ASUN through the WTF Nevada ASUN Facebook page.

The Senate encouraged Barragan to utilize InkBlot to help with marketing and rebranding ideas. Speaker Pro Tempore Hannah Jackson said she would like to see access to WTF Nevada ASUN on the ASUN website, making it easier for students to contact ASUN with problems they see at the university.

Barragan said he would discuss marketing options with InkBlot as well as plan tabling and other events to spread the word about WTF Nevada ASUN.


Previous legislation to increase NSURJ account revised

Senate Bill 84 was introduced after revision to clear up miscommunication between the senate and the Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal.

Members of NSURJ told the Budget and Finance Committee that they did not want an additional $1,000, as the first edition of S.B. 84 addressed; instead they were requesting that $1,000 be moved from the “Reserves” item in the NSURJ account and put into the“Operating” line item.

NSURJ claims that this transfer of funds will allow it to improve public relations and better inform students about what it offers. The NSURJ plans to engage in more programming, tabling and marketing in the upcoming year.

The bill was approved unanimously.